cervical collar

Whiplash: symptoms and treatments

Symptoms of whiplash result from sprains and strains at muscles and ligaments located in the cervical region. During a collision, the driver receives an acceleration forward, following which, by inertia, the head goes into […]

What is “cervical pain”?

The improper term of “cervical pain” refers to disorder of neck pain, pain of different intensity affecting the cervical region. Usually it starts at the base of the neck and may spread to shoulders, […]

Patient care with head injury

The approach to a traumatized patient at the accident site implies the implementation of coordinated and sequential rescue techniques aimed at safeguarding the health of the patient. The essential steps of an intervention of […]

The importance of cervical collar

Cervical collar is the main device used for atraumatic immobilization of the cervical area: light and practical, it allows a quick access at neck’s front part, allowing at the same time jaw’s opening and […]

Immobilization of traumatized patients

The trauma of the cervical area is in Italy the most frequent cause of death under 45 years old, with an incidence of around 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. 30% of these injuries is […]